Frequently Asked Questions

What if my child will be absent from school?

  • The school nurse is responsible for insuring every student is accounted for every school day. Therefore, if your child will be absent you should notify the school nurse by 9:00 a.m.

By phone at 201-358-4006, ext 3020

By e-mail at [email protected]

  • You can also notify the classroom teacher by e-mail
  • Please do not call the main office with attendance issues.

When can my child return to school?

  • Your child can return to school when they feel well enough to attend school for a full day and have been without fever, vomiting or diarrhea and without medications for these symptoms, for at least 24 hours.

What if my child becomes ill during the school day?

  • Children who visit the Health Office with complaints of illness and are found to have fever, vomiting, report of diarrhea, pink eye, just to name a few, will be sent home.
  • The school nurse reserves the right to determine if any student is well enough to attend school.
  • Parents will be contacted if their child needs to go home.
  • Please make sure your contact information remains up-to-date.
  • Once contacted, please make every effort to pick your child up or arrange for someone to pick them up from the Health Office as soon as possible.

What if my child needs medication during the school day?

  • Medications are drugs. In the State of New Jersey drug use is not permitted in school, or on school grounds.
  • All medications must be brought to the Health Office by an adult. Children are not allowed to carry medication unless they have written authorization on file.
  • A Medication Authorization Form must be submitted and completed in its entirety by both a parent and the child’s physician prior to administration of any medication. This also applies to over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, and cold/cough or allergy medications.
  • ALL medication must be brought to the health office in the ORIGINAL labeled package or container.
  • Parents may come to school to administer medications if so desired. All such medications must be administered in the Health Office.

What if my child has a food allergy?

  • There are many children at Roberge who are allergic to such foods as peanuts, tree nuts, seeds, legumes, soy, eggs, and dairy.
  • Please make sure you inform the School Nurse about any dietary restrictions and medications necessary to keep your child safe.
  • The nurse will then formulate a plan for your child, which includes notifying the classroom teacher, special area teachers, and lunchroom personnel as well as posting a sign at the classroom door if there is a nut allergy.
  • A letter will be sent home to all parents in the class to inform them about any food restrictions that may be necessary in that room.
  • Caution is taken in the lunchroom to ensure that children allergic to nuts are not seated with children who may be consuming nut or nut products for lunch.
  • Children are discouraged from sharing food both in the classroom and in the lunchroom.
  • Food that is brought to school for a classroom celebration must be approved in advance and deemed safe for all students to consume.

What if my child is injured and cannot participate in gym class?

  • All children are expected to participate in gym class. If your child is unable, they may be excused for that day if they present a note from a parent or physician.
  • If a child needs to be excused from gym for a longer period of time, they must present a doctor’s note.

What if my child has a cast or needs crutches or a wheelchair at school?

  • Students who have an injury that requires a cast must have a doctor’s note which states the anticipated length of time they will be casted as well as any restrictions such as gym and recess participation.
  • Students who require crutches or the use of a wheelchair in school must also present a doctor’s note. These students may not participate in recess activities as they and other students may be at increased risk for accidents.
  • Any student who has a doctor’s note excusing them from gym participation for a period of time, must present a doctor’s note in order to resume participation.

What if my child has lice?

  • Contact your pediatrician regarding preferred treatment.
  • Check all other members of the household.
  • Clean, clean, clean!! Be sure to clean the environment thoroughly. This includes bedding, stuffed animals, couches, rugs/carpets, car seats, etc. Don’t forget hairbrushes and hair accessories.
  • Notify the school nurse.
  • Notify parents of children your child has had close contact with.
  • Once treated, your child may return to school.
  • Continue to check for lice or nits (eggs) every few days for at least 2 weeks.
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