Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunches are discussion groups that are formed in order to give the students an opportunity to share ideas with other students in a non-threatening environment.These groups can be very beneficial to your child’s personal growth and development.

The lunch bunch groups consist of a maximum of six students who meet once every two weeks with Mrs. Barnette. The groups meet during lunch time. Each group meets five times over ten weeks and then new groups are formed.

If you, or your child is interested in a lunch bunch, please contact Mrs. Barnette. [email protected] 

Lunch Bunch Descriptions:

Separation/Divorce—This group is for students who have experienced divorce or whose parents are currently going through separation.  It may also include students who have other family issues effecting the child.

Anger Management/Problem Solving—For students who may have a difficult time controlling anger and as a result make poor decisions.  Also, students who have exhibited behavior problems in school may be referred.

Peer Relations/Friendship— This group is for students who may have problems making or keeping friends and/or difficulties relating to other  students or adults in the classroom.
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